Bulletin 5-2-21

MAY 2, 2021


This Sunday our guest preacher is Cody Zuiderveen.  He will bring us a message from Exodus 13:17-22 titled God Guides in the Desert

The second offering box will be for Faith Promise.


Zack Olson will be our guest preacher next Sunday. He will bring us a message from Matthew 18:21-35 titled Of Swiffers and Sin.

The second offering box will be for Christian Education.


Dear Congregation of Westend:

Thank you for all your thoughts, prayers and cards as we dealt with the recent loss of Curt’s dad.  We felt great comfort during this difficult time and for that, we are grateful.  

-The Burghgraef’s (Curt, Wendy and Mason)


Reservations for the church Retreat weekend are due today!  Join us at the Christian Reformed Conference Grounds on beautiful Lake Michigan May 21-23.  Come for fabulous food, great games and wonderful worship!  Extra brochures are available at the Welcome Center!

We are planning on having the popular cereal walk game again at the church retreat, and we would love your help!  If you could donate a couple boxes of cereal so we can run this game, it would be really appreciated!  

This week Thursday, May 6, has been designated as the National Day of Prayer for our country.  You are encouraged to plan a time for prayer on that day or another time this week that is more convenient.  We will have the North Entrance of the church open from 7 AM to 7 PM on Thursday if you would like a quiet place to pray.  Look for a prayer guide in your email on Monday.

MISSING!  There are 2 clear and white bins missing from the café.  If you have them or know where they are, please return them to the café! 

Knit and Crochet group is looking for more people to join them!  They meet every other Thursday from 9:30am-11:30am in the Café.

Do you like playing cards?  The Café group is looking for more people to come play!  They meet every Wednesday from 1-3pm in the Café.

In your mailbox today is an order form for Trini’s famous wet burritos!  This is a Christian Ed fundraiser that you don’t want to miss.  If you’ve never been to Trini’s in Sparta, trust us, these burritos are fabulous!  Orders with payment may be placed in the Mata mailbox no later than May 16.  Pickup is June 2.  Extra order forms are at the Welcome Center. If you can’t come to church to order, please e-mail your order to Jamiemata8@gmail.com, payment will be due at pick up.


TODAY – 5/2 

  9:40 AM   Morning Worship


  1:00 PM   Café

  6:30 PM   Women’s Bible Study 


  7:00 AM   National Day of Prayer

  9:30 AM   Knit & Crochet


  9:40 AM   Morning Worship


Offerings     4/12 – 4/25       wkly goals

Ministries   $11,580         $12,228

Chr Ed       $680             $1,538