
We are excited to announce an all new church directory! The new church directory is online and limited to Westend members.  Each member is in full control of what information is published. By default, none of your personal information is shown until you choose for it to be.  Additionally, because it is digital you always have the most current contact information available.

Click here to access our online directory

How to Participate:

1. Each adult member in our church who has provided us their email address should have received an email invitation.  

If you have not provided an email address and would like to be in the directory, you need to provide an email address to us at

2. Once you are invited, you will receive an email with further details. There will be no account name or password to remember.  To login you will use your cell phone number or email address to receive a login code.

3. After you are signed up you can visit the directory through our website or utilize the Church Center App. From there you can view other members as well as edit your own contact information.