Experiencing God

October 24, 2021 ()

Bible Text: Psalm 27 |


This Sunday Pastor Dan will begin a new series titled Prayer: Nurturing a Relationship. His sermon, from Psalm 27, will be Experiencing God.

For the next month during our sermon series on prayer, would you be willing to commit to spending about 15 minutes, 3 days a week nurturing your relationship with God?

Each day, you will be guided to read a passage of Scripture, meditate on what you just read, and then respond in prayer. Sound simple? It is. But by committing to this time, you will be learning the most important habit in life: enjoying and nurturing your relationship with God.

The daily scripture messages will be posted on our Facebook page at 7am. You can also sign up for text message prompts if that's easier! Just text PRAYER to 616-274-0400.