About Westend Church

A church in the heart of the west side of Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Who We Are

At Westend Christian Reformed Church, we're a community of people who share life together. Located in heart of Grand Rapids' west side neighborhood, our church has roots in this community that stretch back more than a century.  

Our Values


In all things, whether worshiping together or serving the needs of those within our
church family and those in the broader community, whether ministering to the youngest child or the seasoned saint, we strive to listen for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and remain flexible and open to the movement of God as he leads and guides us.


We seek to be intentional about creating a welcoming environment that is hospitable to all. We strive to identify and eliminate barriers which would prevent someone from coming to know the grace of Jesus in their life, whether someone is a newcomer or along-time
worshipper. We are intentional about respecting one another.


We believe that God created us to exist in community with one another. We are called to be one body who supports and upholds one another. We strive to create a community in which people from diverse backgrounds and viewpoints not only feel welcome, but
also feel that they belong, where we experience and give support, accountability, and friendship.


The Great Commission challenges us to share the Good News of Jesus
Christ in the course of our daily lives. One important way we do this is by pointing others toward the hope of God’s Kingdom and work that God is doing in our community, work that we get to be a part of through the church. As such, we believe that the church doesn’t just exist for itself, but exists for the sake of joining God’s restorative work in our community.


Life’s journey is full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, triumphs and challenges. We strive to be a church where we are able to be genuine about what we are experiencing in our walk of life. At times, we will gather in gladness, at others, grief. We may be carrying struggles, doubts, or fears. In our life together as a church we bring the reality of who we are and what we are facing into the presence of Jesus.

Our Staff Team

Westend Church's staff help implement the church's vision and direction.

Our Mission

Grateful for God’s amazing gifts, we: gather for joyful worship of God, give ourselves in loving service, grow in faith and love, and guide people to Jesus Christ.

Our Faith

We believe that the Bible is the authoritative Word of God. It contains all that people in any age need to know for their salvation. We call the Bible God’s Word, believing that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, God speaks to us through this book. Learn more

The bulk of what we believe we hold in common with the Christian church around the world and throughout the ages. Three creeds adopted by the worldwide church centuries ago summarize the most important tenets of our faith: the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. Learn more

Most of what the Christian Reformed Church teaches and believes it holds in common with believers around the world. Yet as a denomination we tend to emphasize some teachings or Scriptural interpretations more than others. How can this be?

If you think of the worldwide church as a body, then you can imagine denominations as individual organs. Each organ contributes to the proper functioning of the body, and each performs a unique function. Or imagine a room full of English speakers from different corners of the world— Georgia, Australia, Britain, South Africa, Scotland, and Toronto. Each speaks the same language, but their accents make them sound very different! Sometimes we refer to our particular emphases as speaking with a Reformed accent. Three words that figure prominently within a Reformed accent are sovereignty, covenant, and kingdom. Learn more

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