Bulletin 10-24-21

October 24, 2021


This Sunday Pastor Dan will begin a new series titled Prayer: Nurturing a Relationship.  His sermon, from Psalm 27, will be Experiencing God.

The second offering will be for Benevolence.


Next Sunday begins our Mission Emphasis Week.  Pastor Dan will continue the sermon series Prayer: Nurturing a Relationship.  His sermon, from John 16:23-24, will be In Jesus’ Name.


Christy VanKuiken will have surgery on Monday to remove the cancer from her Colon.  We pray for great peace and great results.

Jamie Mata will have a lumpectomy on Tuesday.  Join us as we pray for a smooth procedure and that they don’t find any cancer.

Marilyn Zoodsma’s great Granddaughter, Arti, had a successful surgery on Tuesday to place a shunt in her head.  Arti is the daughter of Kira VanWyk (Turner) and granddaughter of Jim and Kathy Turner.  We are so grateful that this procedure went well.


This week would have been Ken Blake’s 80th birthday.  There will be cake available after the service today courtesy of his wife, Lois, as a way to remember and celebrate Ken’s life.

The Christian Education Ministry Committee (CEMC) THANKS the Westend congregation for your participation in the Westend Wednesday, October 20, Ham Dinner fund-raiser. Your continued giving for the KIDS and CHRISTIAN EDUCATION is appreciated. THANK YOU to all who helped with set-up, meal prep, serving and cleanup. A special THANKS goes to Jim and Judy Goote for your leadership and help in making the evening a positive time of food and fellowship. CEMC continues to be blessed by the giving of the congregation for Christian Education now and historically over many years. GOD BE PRAISED!!

If you or a family you know could use help with gifts this Christmas season, we are offering WE Bless again this year.  Pick up a form at the Welcome Center, fill it out and bring it to the office or back to the Welcome Center.  If you have questions, contact Sue Mellema

Last Call! If you have moved or have new contact information that you would like included in the new directory, please let Nichole in the office know by November 1st! 

Let’s get ready to move it, move it!  All are welcome Mondays at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Center for a Zumba class. Zumba is a great way to be physically active and it’s A LOT of fun!  People of all ages welcome! 

Women!  Join us this Wednesday 7pm for a time to connect with God and each other.  No commitment or materials needed, just come ready to worship, study and be together. 


We still really need volunteers for both Nursery and Children’s Ministry!  Please sign up in Planning Center or at the Welcome Center for a Sunday if you are able! 

Sunday Evening Adult Bible Study is back!  The Sunday evening Bible study will begin on Sunday, November 7 at 5:30 pm. The topic this year is Paul’s letter to the Romans. We will plan to meet every other Sunday evening beginning on November 7 and continuing on November 21 and December 5. Then we will take a break for the holidays and resume our study in the new year. Come out and enjoy a time of food, fellowship and digging into God’s Word as we grow together in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. 

The Letter to the Romans, written by Paul to a congregation that he had never visited, is commonly thought to represent the apostle’s most complete theological reflection. It is a systematic presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul also addresses other significant issues relating to first century Christianity, including the Jew-Gentile relationship, the Christian’s relationship to the OT law, unity in the church, predestination, the Christian life, and the Christian’s relationship to government (just to mention a few). We will trace the theme of God’s Gospel as presented in the Book of Romans, emphasizing its application to living out the Gospel, with the hope that you will come out of this study “transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2).



Our next meeting will be Sunday November 7th from 3:45-5:30pm. 

Save the date! Our next JROCK activity will be November 12th.  Details to come soon!


Join us tonight from 6-8 pm as we continue to discuss the big questions.  Tonight we will talk about “What difference can I make?”  Hope to see you there as we dig into God’s purpose and mission for your life.


Come join us for our youth group meeting tonight.  We would love to have your input as we talk about what it looks like to live with a sense of purpose and mission to our lives.

This week, please pray that The Holy Spirit will bless and guide our pastors to communicate God’s love and the full knowledge of his Word as they minister from week to week.


TODAY – 10/24

  9:15 AM     Prayer Time

  9:45 AM    Morning Worship

 11:00 AM   Discovery Hour

  6:00 PM   LIFE and extremeLIFE

MONDAY –10/25

  6:30 PM   Zumba 

TUESDAY –10/26

   6:30 PM  Divorce Care


   6:30 AM   Men’s Bible Study 

   8:00 AM   Men’s Life 

   1:00 PM   Cafe

   7:00 PM   Council

   7:00 PM   Bad Girls of the Bible


   9:30 AM   Knit & Crochet      


TODAY, October 24th

Nursery- Nancy Veenstra

Children’s Ministry- Chaz and Lashyre

Welcome Center-Sue Mellema 


Slides- Nichole Quigley

Sound- David Riley

Video- Kristen Adrianse


   9:15 AM  Prayer Time

   9:45 AM   Morning Worship

  11:00 AM  Discovery Hour

VOLUNTEERS October 31st


Children’s Ministry- Lynn Bengelink

Welcome Center- Jenith Verbeek


Slides- Ben Cleveland

Sound- Ryan Faber

Video- Matt Falk