Bulletin 8-8-21

August 8, 2021


This Sunday our guest preacher is Jim Harrison.  His sermon, PUSH: Pray Until Something Happens! will be from Luke 18:1-8  

The second offering will be for Christian Education.


Next Sunday our guest preacher will be Zack Olson from CRCNA. 

The second offering will be for Wedgewood Christian Services.


Please keep Al Hoekzema in your prayers as he has been diagnosed with covid- this is especially concerning because he has a chronic condition called pulmonary fibrosis which causes scarring of his lungs.

Thank you for all of the expressions of sympathy after my mother Phyllis Lehrke passed away.   Your thoughts, prayers and cards were very much appreciated. Her funeral is scheduled for 10-4-21 in her home town of Crosby MN where she will be tucked in next to my Dad. -Karen & Bill Winegar

* Prayer Line * 453-2288 * Our prayer line is always available to take your prayer requests, or to listen to prayer updates.  After the recorded message, you may leave your prayer needs for our intercessors, who will pray for you.


Did your mailbox move?  We are excited that new members are coming to Westend!  In order to add new names to our mailboxes, some existing names have shifted, so please look closely when you take your mail this week!

Nursery is available for kids 0-4 years old.  There are actives set up in the Fellowship Center for families to use during the service.

We are still in need of volunteers for the nursery! Please sign up for a Sunday if you are able to!

We will be holding a soundboard training for everyone who runs the sound board (even if only occasionally) to learn.  Join us this Tuesday, August 10th @ 7pm.  Please let Micah Graybill or the office know if you are planning to attend so we can plan accordingly.

The backpack festival is Thursday, August 12th.  Many volunteers are still needed!  Sign up sheets are near the mailboxes- please sign up if you can!  

We are still in need of the following school supplies for the backpack festival: Crayons, markers, folders, 2 pk glue sticks, wide paper and colored pencils!  There is a tote located near the mailboxes for donations! 

The cadet season will begin soon! If you would be willing to join us as a counselor or even just a helper please contact Ryan Faber ASAP! Westendcadets@gmail.com or 616-304-5329

Cadet parents, information will be going out soon letting you know about the 2021-2022 season! Looking forward to a fun full year with the cadets!

Everyone is invited to join the Sunday morning prayer time group at 9:15am in the cafe to pray for the worship service, the congregation, and other concerns.  We pray simultaneously, quietly bringing our petitions and praises to God in a concert of prayer.  Feel free to check it out at any time.  Contact Arla Thomasma with questions.


TODAY – 8/8

   9:15 AM  Prayer Time

   9:45 AM   Morning Worship


  7:00 PM   Ad Board


  7:00 PM   Soundboard Training


  1:00 PM   Cafe


  9:30 AM   Knit & Crochet

  5:00 PM   Backpack Festival


   9:15 AM  Prayer Time

   9:45 AM   Morning Worship