Mission Preparedness Team 9-17

Dear Congregation of Westend,

The Ministry Preparedness Team (MPT) met last Thursday to review and approve our team’s recommendation for a re-opening plan for Sunday morning worship.  A group of five individuals met to discuss and prepare a written plan.  This plan was presented, reviewed, and discussed in detail by the MPT.  After much deliberation, we voted to approve the written recommendation and we submitted the plan to AD board for approval.

On Monday evening, The AD board met with the focus being too approve the guidelines for each ministry group based on what phase we are in (4,5,6) and the size of the ministry group (small, medium, or large) and the re-opening plan for Sunday morning worship.

After several hours of discussion and discernment, the AD board approved the following:

-Guidelines for all groups in all phases and specific guidelines pertaining to COVID.

-Guidelines for group sizes, mask wearing, social distancing and food service.

-Building use as it pertains to group sizes and where each group can meet.

-Sunday morning worship re-opening plan

-Worship service resuming indoors on October 11th.

The next step for the MPT is to prepare both a written document and a video presentation to outline the approved guidelines for returning to indoor programming.  We will also continue to work with the individual ministry teams to help them prepare a plan.

We welcome any thoughts or concerns you may have.  Please feel free to contact anyone on the MPT to share those ideas.  Our team consists of:

Doug Stapley                        Jeremy Marsman                  Jane VandePol                     Faye Kragt

Julie Bulson              Luanne Hoekzema               Luke Verbeek

Please continue to pray for this team and that the Holy Spirit guides us as we discern what God is calling Westend to do.

In His name,

Westend’s MPT