Bulletin 2-14-21


This Sunday Pastor Kory will conclude the sermon series Talking Donkeys and Prophetic Promises.  His sermon from Numbers 25, will be Divided Loyalty

The second offering box will be for Christian Education.


Next Sunday Pastor Kory will begin a new series titled Woe Is Me.  His sermon from Matthew 23, will be titled Snakes and Vipers.

The second offering box will be for Benevolence.


Aiden, the 13-year old nephew of Jeremy and Elise Beutlich, was diagnosed with bone cancer. We pray for a clear treatment plan and peace for Aiden and his family.

* Prayer Line * 453-2288 *Our prayer line is always available to take your prayer requests, or to listen to prayer updates.  After the recorded message, you may leave your prayer needs for our intercessors, who will pray for  you.  Identifying yourself is optional.


We will have an Ash Wednesday Service in person this Wednesday at 8am.  This year ashes will be applied by means of a single-use applicator.

GEMS will be meeting for some sledding, hot cocoa, and a craft this Wednesday from 6:30-8:00PM.  Please meet at the North Entrance as usual, and we will start our evening from there.   We hope to begin meeting again regularly in March.  Looking forward to seeing you!

Join us for coffee time! We will hold a coffee time this Thursday from 9-11am in the Fellowship Center.  Please come if you feel comfortable doing so- safe guidelines will be followed!

Westend Help Wanted:  

Administrative Coordinator – Approximately 32 hours/wk., salaried position. Bookkeeping (QuickBooks), payroll, facilities management, and collaborative work with small staff are occupational requirements.  A person of high integrity and a deep love for the Lord and His kingdom work are spiritual requirements. Salary commensurate with experience and skill set. Westend Christian Reformed Church – Send resumes to Admin@Westendcrc.org

We are excited to share that our church now has unlimited access to RightNow Media—the world’s largest streaming library of video Bible study resources (it’s been called the “Netflix of video Bible studies”).  We believe that this is a tool that can help you live out your faith in every area of your life.  RightNow Media has a FREE app that’s available on all major streaming devices so you and your family can access content anywhere, anytime. 

You should have received an email invitation for free access to RightNow Media.  If you have not received the invite, be sure to check your spam or promotions folder, or contact the office for additional help.  We sent (1) e-mail invite per family.


We will meet again February 28th from 3:45-5:30pm.  We will meet inside so bring a mask & hope to see you there!


Join us tonight from 6-8pm.  We will meet inside so bring a mask & hope to see you there!


TODAY – 2/14

   9:40 AM   Morning Worship

  6:00 PM   LIFE

TUESDAY – 2/15

   6:30 PM   Divorce Care


   8:00 AM   Ash Wednesday


  6:30 PM   Cadets

  6:30 PM   GEMS – Crafts & Sledding

  6:30 PM   Women’s Bible Study


   9:00 AM   Coffee Time


   9:40 AM   Morning Worship

Even IF: Gathering 2021 Women’s Event at Westend on the evening of Friday, March 26.  The theme this year is “Even IF: Even if the worst happens we won’t lose hope”.  Come join us for a time of fellowship, praise and remembering that our God is the God of all Hope! 

WE Retreat:  May 21-23, 2021 At the Christian Reformed Conference Grounds